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When I Look Up
Most Christian books speak from an “adult perspective”, and not a child’s. They leave out, the most important aspect of the foundation when walking with God, and that is the child. They say. do ABCDE, to get a better walk with God. That’s fine, but we forget about the growth of the child and there characteristics, is the Christian life template for an adult to look at and learn from.

This is the reason why children come before adults; it’s so we can see who God sees. God doesn’t see us as we see each other as adults, in arrogance. God doesn’t care about your social status, or you can have more degrees than a thermometer, you are his child. God sees adults as tall children. So now let’s look deeper into a child’s life, and how it relates to Gods foundation… the family. Understanding the child, then you will understand yourself, and what God wants from us as adults.

Looking at the genesis of a child we can see many attributes and characteristics of a child that God wants to see in us. We can shadow, and be a reflection of “childlike”, not childish as Jesus said in the book of Mathew. Jesus clearly states ‘unless you’re like a child, you shall not enter….’ Right off the bat, Jesus is drawing the line in the sand.

Children have many characteristics that we miss as adults, and forget that we went through these same characteristics ourselves. From looking up, having childlike faith, being able to be led, humility, believability, no pride or self-righteousness etc. This fascinating book being different, will enhance any reader/parent to take a stronger look at their own Christian life, and check off the boxes to see if there in alignment with Gods standards. There a chapter on being blind when your awake, yet we trust him in sleep, and other great gems of wisdom.

The Spider and the Saint
When was the last time you or your friend looked at a spider or an ant, and learned principles that you can apply to your Christian life? Or even read it in another Christian book? Here, Ron Gallo as a former park ranger shares his experience of what God has shown him over the years when exploring nature.

Did you know when you see an object like a cigarette butt, piece of paper, or twig on a web, the spider is telling God’s saint’s aspects on Christian living from Proverbs chap. 30? Just constructing the web, its perseverance, stewardship, and adjustability will tell God’s saints how to live the Christian life. Like in Ron’s other books, Balance (Volume 2) and the children’s book Charlie the Spider and Friends, God uses the most “unlikely” to unveil his principles of walking with him as his saints.

Other gems Ron shares for Christian life’s principles is about “the garden,” the seed, learning from darkness, God’s vitamins, and many other fantastic wisdom and understanding emeralds in short bullet points. Whether in quotes, jokes, or commentaries, Ron does not sugarcoat anything so that the reader can get the truth about God.

Balance : Volume Two

Balance is a collection of (3) volumes of gems that Author Ron Gallo has dug up to provide spiritual wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God’s word, to balance oneself. They will catch any readers eye and keep their attention for many reasons, one of which the book in three volumes is all written differently from other books, with a different format and flavor that gets tastier with each turn of the page.

Volume Two: The Spider, the Ant and More Wisdom

Did you know that you can learn how the Lord wants you to live in the Christian life by looking at a spider and an ant? Yes, God points out the smallest and most hideous of creatures and advises man to look at these to learn about wisdom, he never mentions look at man. Do you see where Gods priorities are? What does a leaf, a web, or a tiny piece of paper has that relates to my walk with God? Find out, along with more gems from the treasury vault that inspire.

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